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德语吃货怎么说英文翻译:German foodies how to say English translation

1. 我们德国的吃货们最喜欢的菜肴是什么呢?- What are the favorite dishes of German foodies?

2. 作为一名德国吃货,我最爱的食物是烤肉。- As a German foodie, my favorite food is grilled meat.

3. 德国吃货们非常注重食材的新鲜度和质量。- German foodies pay great attention to the freshness and quality of ingredients.

4. 德国有很多美食节,吸引了许多吃货前来品尝。- Germany has many food festivals, attracting many foodies to come and taste.

5. 作为一名德国吃货,我喜欢尝试不同国家的美食。- As a German foodie, I like to try different cuisines from around the world.




    评论列表 (已有2条评论,共125人参与)参与讨论
    星空航行者 游客 椅子
    2023-06-15 回复
    1. German foodies would say "Ich liebe Essen!" when expressing their love for food in English.
    2. A German gourmet might exclaim "This dish is wunderbar!" to describe a delicious meal in English.
    3. To convey their passion for culinary arts, a German gastronome might say "I have a real appetite for exploring new flavors and dishes!" in English.
    4. When talking about their favorite German dishes, a German food lover might say "Have you tried schnitzel or sauerbraten? They're some of my favorites!" in English.
    5. For a German connoisseur of beer, they might say "This brew is fantastic, it has a rich, malty flavor!" in English.
    6. When discussing their love for German cuisine, a German epicure might say "I simply adore the variety of sausages, breads, and cheeses that Germany has to offer!" in English.
    7. German food enthusiasts might say "I'm always on the lookout for new German restaurants to try out!" in English to express their love for exploring different cuisines.
    心之光芒 游客 沙发
    2023-06-14 回复
    1. German foodies would say "Ich liebe Essen" (I love food) in German, but they can also express their love for food in English just as passionately.
    2. Being a German foodie is all about savoring the rich diversity of flavors and culinary traditions from all over Germany, and sharing this love of food with others.
    3. Whether it's hearty sausages, crispy schnitzel, or creamy spaetzle, German foodies know how to appreciate the best of German cuisine and enjoy it with friends and family.
    4. With a passion for quality ingredients, authentic recipes, and innovative twists on traditional dishes, German foodies are always on the lookout for new flavors and culinary experiences to savor.