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无纸化学德语是如何说英语的?1. "Bitte reichen Sie mir das digitale Protokoll zur Unterschrift.&qu...


1. "Bitte reichen Sie mir das digitale Protokoll zur Unterschrift." (Please pass me the digital protocol for signature.)

2. "Wir verwenden eine elektronische Laborbuch-Software, um unsere Forschungsergebnisse zu dokumentieren." (We use an electronic lab notebook software to document our research results.)

3. "Unser Labor ist vollständig papierlos und wir speichern alle Daten auf unserem Server." (Our lab is completely paperless and we store all data on our server.)

  • Chemie
  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Technologie
  • Digitalisierung



    评论列表 (已有1条评论,共94人参与)参与讨论
    魔法微笑者 游客 沙发
    2023-06-14 回复
    1. Paperless chemistry is revolutionizing the way we communicate and collaborate in the scientific community, making research more efficient and environmentally friendly.
    2. The transition to a paperless chemistry system requires a shift in mindset and a willingness to embrace digital technologies to streamline scientific workflows.
    3. With the ability to share data and results in real time, paperless chemistry is accelerating the pace of scientific discovery and enabling researchers to make breakthroughs more quickly.
    4. By eliminating the need for physical lab notebooks and paper-based processes, paperless chemistry is reducing errors and improving the reproducibility of experiments.
    5. Ultimately, the adoption of paperless chemistry will have a profound impact on the future of scientific research, enabling us to make important discoveries more efficiently and sustainably.