阿拉伯语狮子怎么说:أسد (asad)双语例句:1. The lion is the king of the jungle. (الأسد هو ملك الغابة)Tra...
阿拉伯语狮子怎么说:أسد (asad)
1. The lion is the king of the jungle. (الأسد هو ملك الغابة)
- Translation: The lion (asad) is the king (malik) of the jungle (al-ghabah).
2. The roar of the lion can be heard from miles away. (يمكن سماع زئير الأسد من عدة أميال)
- Translation: The roar (za'eer) of the lion (asad) can be heard (yomkin sami') from (min) miles away (adaa amiaal).
3. The lioness is a fierce hunter. (الأسدة صيادة شرسة)
- Translation: The lioness (asada) is a fierce (sharisa) hunter (sayyida).
4. The lion's mane is a symbol of its power and strength. (شعر الأسد رمز لقوته وقوته)
- Translation: The lion's (asad) mane (sha'r) is a symbol (ramz) of its power (quwa) and strength (shidda).
5. Lions are often used as symbols of courage and bravery. (يستخدم الأسود في كثير من الأحيان كرموز للشجاعة والشجاعة)
- Translation: Lions (asud) are often (kathir min) used as symbols (ramz) of courage (shaja'a) and bravery (shuja'a).