香水精油阿拉伯语怎么说:زيوت عطرية
1. 柠檬香精油的阿拉伯语怎么说?
- زيت ليمون عطري
How do you say lemon essential oil in Arabic? It is called "زيت ليمون عطري".
2. 玫瑰香精油的阿拉伯语怎么说?
- زيت الورد العطري
What is the Arabic word for rose essential oil? It is "زيت الورد العطري".
3. 薰衣草香精油的阿拉伯语怎么说?
- زيت الخزامى العطري
How do you say lavender essential oil in Arabic? It is called "زيت الخزامى العطري".
4. 檀香精油的阿拉伯语怎么说?
- زيت الصندل العطري
What is the Arabic word for sandalwood essential oil? It is "زيت الصندل العطري".
5. 茉莉香精油的阿拉伯语怎么说?
- زيت الياسمين العطري
How do you say jasmine essential oil in Arabic? It is called "زيت الياسمين العطري".