神秘者在阿拉伯语中是 "الغامض" (al-ghamidh)。1. The mysterious stranger appeared out of no...
神秘者在阿拉伯语中是 "الغامض" (al-ghamidh)。
1. The mysterious stranger appeared out of nowhere. - ظهر الغامض الغريب فجأة. (
- Arabic
- mysterious
- stranger
2. The ancient city was shrouded in mystery and legend. - كانت المدينة القديمة ملفوفة بالغموض والأسطورة. (
- Arabic
- ancient city
- mystery
- legend
3. The enigmatic smile on her face made him even more curious. - ابتسامتها الغامضة جعلته أكثر فضولاً. (
- Arabic
- enigmatic
- smile
- curious
4. The mysterious disappearance of the treasure remains unsolved. - لا يزال اختفاء الكنز الغامض غير محلول. (
- Arabic
- mysterious
- disappearance
- treasure
5. The hooded figure in the corner gave off an air of mystery. - الشكل المغطى في الزاوية يبعث على الغموض. (
- Arabic
- hooded
- figure
- mystery