1. 阿拉伯语比英语更难学习。Arabic is more difficult to learn than English.
- 我觉得阿拉伯语比英语难学多了。
- I think Arabic is much harder to learn than English.
- 阿拉伯语的语法比英语更难懂。
- The grammar of Arabic is more difficult to understand than English.
- 我发现阿拉伯语的发音比英语更难。
- I find that Arabic pronunciation is more difficult than English.
- 我觉得阿拉伯语的字母比英语难写多了。
- I think Arabic letters are much harder to write than English.
- 如果你想学习一门具有挑战性的语言,阿拉伯语比英语更好。
- If you want to learn a challenging language, Arabic is better than English.
2. 阿拉伯语的语法比英语更复杂。Arabic grammar is more complex than English.
3. 阿拉伯语的发音比英语更具挑战性。Arabic pronunciation is more challenging than English.
4. 阿拉伯语的字母比英语更难写。Arabic letters are more difficult to write than English.
5. 阿拉伯语比英语更具挑战性。Arabic is more challenging than English.