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1. 阿拉伯语: مات اللغة العربية

英语: Arabic language is dead

  • The death of the Arabic language is a tragedy for the Arab world.
  • Many people are worried that the Arabic language is dying out.
  • It is important to preserve the Arabic language and its rich cultural heritage.
  • 2. 阿拉伯语: اللغة العربية ماتت

    英语: The Arabic language has died

  • The decline of the Arabic language is a cause for concern.
  • The Arabic language has been in decline for many years.
  • We must do more to promote the use of the Arabic language.
  • 3. 阿拉伯语: توفيت اللغة العربية

    英语: The Arabic language passed away

  • The death of the Arabic language is a loss for the world.
  • We must work to revive the Arabic language and ensure its survival.
  • The Arabic language is a vital part of our cultural heritage.
  • 4. 阿拉伯语: اللغة العربية قد ماتت

    英语: The Arabic language may have died

  • There is concern that the Arabic language may have died out in some regions.
  • We need to investigate the state of the Arabic language and take action to preserve it.
  • The Arabic language is an important part of our global linguistic heritage.
  • 5. 阿拉伯语: لغة العربية في حالة الوفاة

    英语: The Arabic language is in a state of death

  • The decline of the Arabic language is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.
  • We must take steps to ensure that the Arabic language continues to be spoken and written.
  • The Arabic language is a beautiful and rich language that should be celebrated and preserved.



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