逝者安息阿拉伯语怎么说:المتوفى رحمه الله (Al-matwaffa Rahimahullah)
1. 我们深切悼念逝者,愿他的灵魂安息在天堂。 (We deeply mourn the deceased and pray that his soul may rest in heaven.)
- 逝者安息
- 悼念
- 灵魂
- 天堂
- 祈祷
2. 逝者安息,愿他的家人能够坚强面对这个不幸的消息。 (May the deceased rest in peace, and may his family have the strength to face this tragic news.)
- 逝者安息
- 家人
- 坚强
- 不幸
- 消息
3. 我们为逝者祈祷,愿他的灵魂得到安息。 (We pray for the deceased, may his soul rest in peace.)
- 逝者
- 祈祷
- 灵魂
- 安息
- 得到
4. 逝者安息,愿他的家人和朋友们能够找到安慰和支持。 (May the deceased rest in peace, and may his family and friends find comfort and support.)
- 逝者安息
- 家人
- 朋友
- 安慰
- 支持
5. 我们为逝者默哀,愿他的灵魂得到安息。 (We mourn for the deceased, may his soul rest in peace.)
- 逝者
- 默哀
- 灵魂
- 安息
- 得到