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1. الغراب (al-ghurab) - This is the most common word for "magpie" in Arabic.رأ...

1. الغراب (al-ghurab) - This is the most common word for "magpie" in Arabic.

  • رأيت الغراب يجمع الأغصان لبناء عشه. (Ra'aytu al-ghurab yajmau al-ağşaan li-bina'i 'ushihi.) - I saw the magpie collecting branches to build its nest.
  • الغراب طائر جميل ذو ريش يلمع بألوان متعددة. (Al-ghurab ta'ir jamil dhu rayş yalamu' bi-alwan muta'addida.) - The magpie is a beautiful bird with feathers that shine in multiple colors.
  • 2. الصرد (as-sard) - This is another word for "magpie" in Arabic, but it is less commonly used.

  • رأيت الصرد يطير في السماء بجناحيه الأسود والأبيض. (Ra'aytu as-sard yatiru fi as-sama' bi-janahihi al-aswad wal-abyad.) - I saw the magpie flying in the sky with its black and white wings.
  • الصرد يتميز بريشه الجميل والملون وصوته العالي والجميل. (As-sard yatamizu bi-rayshihi al-jamil wal-malwan wa-sawtih al-'ali wal-jamil.) - The magpie is distinguished by its beautiful and colorful feathers and its loud and beautiful voice.
  • 3. الغرا (al-ghura) - This word is used in some dialects to refer to the magpie.

  • رأيت الغرا يجمع الأغصان لصنع عشه. (Ra'aytu al-ghura yajmau al-ağşaan li-san'i 'ushihi.) - I saw the magpie collecting branches to make its nest.
  • الغرا طائر ذو ريش جميل وصوت عالي وملون. (Al-ghura ta'ir dhu rayş jamil wa-sawt 'ali wa-malwan.) - The magpie is a bird with beautiful and colorful feathers and a loud voice.
  • 4. القرع (al-qura') - This word is used in some dialects to refer to the magpie.

  • رأيت القرع يجمع الأغصان لبناء عشه. (Ra'aytu al-qura' yajmau al-ağşaan li-bina'i 'ushihi.) - I saw the magpie collecting branches to build its nest.
  • القرع طائر جميل ذو ريش ملون وصوت عالي. (Al-qura' ta'ir jamil dhu rayş malwan wa-sawt 'ali.) - The magpie is a beautiful bird with colorful feathers and a loud voice.
  • 5. الطائر الأسود والأبيض (at-ta'ir al-aswad wal-abyad) - This phrase literally means "the black and white bird" and can be used to refer to the magpie.

  • رأيت الطائر الأسود والأبيض يجمع الأغصان لصنع عشه. (Ra'aytu at-ta'ir al-aswad wal-abyad yajmau al-ağşaan li-san'i 'ushihi.) - I saw the black and white bird collecting branches to make its nest.
  • الطائر الأسود والأبيض هو الغراب أو الصرد. (At-ta'ir al-aswad wal-abyad huwa al-ghurab aw as-sard.) - The black and white bird is the magpie or the other word for it.
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